
I'm on a walk around the Neighborhood. I have my ear buds in and I'm on the phone.  Rodney Ave is a suburban  street with little foot traffic.  A full block away, about one hundred yards, I see the shape of, what, at this point, looks like a young woman.  She has brown hair and is wearing something yellow.  Maybe she's wearing a hat.  The conversation I'm having is with my Brother-in-Law and we're talking about Dads.  It's a serious conversation, i.e. one that would require attention in order to be a valid contributor.  I find myself switching between listening to the conversation, and wondering what this person will look like.  At fifty meters I can confirm to myself that it is a woman.  It looks like maybe she's light brown in color.  It's interesting to talk candidly about your own father with a person who is now married into the situation you've been in your whole life.  You start to hear things you have been thinking for years but only now feel understood or that your thoughts aren't delusional.  Another person having them validates them in some way.  She has long brown curly hair that falls over her shoulders.  Her yellow shirt has a blue square in the middle of it.  She's twenty feet and it looks like there is a small red dot in the middle of the square.  I wonder if he likes my father.  Not just as an in-law, but as a person.  He has an objective opinion about this man, and I wonder what his thoughts are about him as a person.  There is no black and white here, you don't just like or not like him, but typically a person will sway positive or negative in your mind as you judge.  There are actually three small red dot in the middle of the square.  I bring my eyes up to her face.  She's in her mid twenties. She wears red lipstick.  The same things tend to bother my brother-in-law that bother me.  I dash my eyes away so it doesn't look like I'm checking her out.  If a guy looks at a woman he's checking her out and it's creepy.  If a woman looks at a guy it's flattering.  This we know.  So as a rule of thumb you only have one or two glances once she's within five feet. A couple more if you can time it out so that you look while she's in between her breaks from looking at you.  She'll look a couple times before ten feet and then maybe, if she's into it, she'll look at ten feet.  Within ten, she's eyes ahead.  If she looks within five, she likes what she sees, guaranteed. As we are about to pass she glances and we lock eyes.  I think she smiles.  It's as awkward as it is romantic.  I want to look back but you don't do that.  Not on this kind of street.  More validation.